Friday, March 28, 2008

Multiple Potentials of the Sirtuin Platform

With each passing month, Sirtris Pharmacueticals, the leading biotechnology company in sirtuin based drug research, presents new data showing that the approach of targeting sirtuins shows promise in multiple diseases. Although we are still in the early innings of the game, the potential value being created at Sirtris is tremendous. A partial listing linked to the associated press releases that discuss progress treating various diseases is shown here:

The potential of this sirtuin platform to create a very valuable company is promising as there are multiple roads to success. Most importantly, the process of activating a natural defense process within the body seems to make the likelihood of safety high. While it is still early, so far no side serious effects have been reported in any clinical data.

Its still a long road to commercial success. However, increased valuation is usually reflected in the stock price of of a biotechnology company well in advance of the crowning event of a drug achieving FDA approval. More importantly, from an shareholder's perspective, irrational exuberance can take hold quickly once a certain level of confidence is achieved in a company's prospects. Add in some excitement in the press and some Wall Street analysts that pound the table and you've got yourself a story stock

Do your own due dilligence.

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