Thursday, January 24, 2008

Smoking Linked to Sirtuin Destruction

As reported in Science Daily, the importance of sirtuins to health continues to expand. Now, A University of Rochester scientist has discovered that the toxins in cigarette smoke wipe out the SIRT1 gene. The research shows that without this gene we not only lose a bit of youthfulness -- but the lungs are left open to destructive inflammation and diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

With each new resveratrol study, it becomes more clear that sirtuins play a vital role in the many aspects of health and vitality. Harnessing the power of these genes will likely play a critical role in future treatments for many diseases of the aging, a basic premise in the business plan of Sirtris Pharmacueticals.

It is interesting to see that, based on the resveratrol usage poll being conducted on this blog, that many are not waiting for long term studies to get the benefits of resveratrol. Do your own due dilligence.

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